Space Debates

Networked Moon Law Interactive

Two children using a touch-interactive table in the Moonshot Museum.
Two visitors using the Space Debates interactive at the Moonshot Museum. Photo courtesy of Luci Creative.


Museum Interactive


October 2022


Developed Visitor-Ready Software


After Effects


Digital ballots and tallying facilitate debate

Visitors debate different stances on lunar law in their future moon colony over multiple rounds.

Experience screen recordings in mockup

Image of the Space Debates interactive without visitors: A knee-height table with rectangular, green and white casing stands in front of a screen with hexagonal green and white casing, in a wall also featuring a bookshelf with plants.
The casing and surrounding space for Spaces Debates. Photo courtesy of Luci Creative.


Multi-touch table for concurrent voting

Up to 6 visitors gather around a table of digital ballots, debate their positions on the questions presented, vote and see the results displayed on the screen above them.

Detail of voting at multi-touch table

On a secondary display, visitors can observe the results of their voting in a HUD over a window onto the lunar landscape outside their colony.

Detail of secondary, wall-mounted display

One mode for school trips; another, for casual visitors

In 'Mission' mode, school groups break out into small teams and debate a series of lunar laws in two-minute intervals.

In 'Space Now' mode, regular visitors to the museum consider questions of lunar law at their own pace:

An instructor and two children gather around their digital ballots table at Moonshot Museum.
Visitors using the interactive in 'Space Now' mode. Photo courtesy of Luci Creative.
Screenshot of the ballot for a specific question in Space Now mode of Space Debates: Two companies want to build settlements in the same crater on the Moon. How should we decide who gets to?
Question and ballot in Space Now mode.
Question and ballot in Space Now mode.

Image of main menu screen from interactive.
Image of main menu screen from interactive.
In 'Space Now' mode, visitors choose from four policy areas to vote on lunar policy.
Image of results on a visitor's ballot in the interactive, showing what percentage of past visitors voted similarly.
Image of results on a visitor's ballot in the interactive, showing what percentage of past visitors voted similarly.
Visitors are shown what percentage of past visitors voted the same way as them.


I both designed and implemented the motion graphics for this experience.

Detail of secondary, wall-mounted display
Detail of moon crash zoom


Networked experience across five interactives

In 'Mission' mode, interactives share data about each teams' progress at the five stations in the experience, as well as the images teams produce and the current time in the round, all via a server on the local network.

Network diagram showing five interactives connected to a server.
Moonshot network illustration calling out the three interactives I developed: Space Debates (top), Lunar Lost and Found (center), and Design a Mission Patch (bottom). Server by Chunk Icons from Noun Project (CC BY 3.0)

Mockup with real screen recordings of networked timer across multiple Moonshot interactives. Pictured left to right: Timer from Space Debates, screen recording of Lunar Lost and Found, screen recording of Design a Mission Patch.

I developed Space Debates, Design a Mission Patch, and Lunar Lost and Found as clients for this server.