Your Story Audio Booth

Bespoke Audio Booth

Screen shot of user interface for editing an audio clip, with buttons to playback the clip, trim its length, and re-record.
Editing page.


Museum Interactive


June 2024


Developed Visitor-Ready Software




Visitors share their stories

In a bespoke audio booth, visitors record their voice in response to prompts about York County's history.

The first page of the experience, which welcomes visitors with a set of text prompts for their recording to choose from, as well as set of two example oral histories to preview before creating their own recording.


A short, personal story about York County

Visitors introduce themselves to the archive and record their voice.

Graphic showing a microphone connected to the image below.

Recording page, with recording underway

After, visitors edit their recordings with a custom editor.

Editing page

Finally, visitors share their recordings with the museum and optionally include their names and emails.


I designed and developed the motion design for this interactive, including interactions around pagination, on-screen microphone controls, and editing controls.

Transition between prompt and recording pages


Directus communication for storing visitor audio

The interactive sends visitor-produced audio and metadata to a custom endpoint in a CMS, built with Directus and hosted on the local network.

Graphic showing the Directus logo (a rabbit) above icons describing the uploading of audio files and metadata to Directus.
Email entry page, which visitors use to optionally share their email with the museum and/or receive a copy of their audio

On startup, the interactive also pulls its set of visitor text prompts from this CMS.

Graphic showing the Directus logo (a rabbit) above icons describing the downloading of text from Directus.
The first page of the experience with six text prompts, which are sourced dynamically from a local CMS that museum staff can access and change on the fly.